
You have many options for connecting with Meggin and her merry band of learners. If you want to be more peacefully and predictably productive, here are some options for you.

Productivity for Academic Women

The popular and practical Just Whelmed “Wee” Workshop program is for academic women who are overwhelmed with demands and expectations – and who are ready to regain a sense of control, peaceful productivity, and joy in what they do.

Quick & Easy Article Writing

The 30 Articles in Just 30 Days Self-paced, Self-study Program gives you the structure and instruction to be able to write 300- to 1000-word articles easily and quickly. You can drop the stress and anxiety and instead find yourself writing regularly – and very possibly – even enjoying it!

Clear & De-clutter Your Mind

The “Mind Sweep Self-paced, Self-study Program for Productive People” is designed to guide you step-by-step through a process that will clear your mind, reduce the clutter in your brain, and lessen your tendency to procrastinate.

Simple Tips for Professionals

It is if you are looking for practical, positive, powerful ways to be more productive – and who isn’t seeking that?! And, it is if you care about your time and your life. Six (6!) different series of Top Ten Productivity Tips are offered here. To get the most out of the tips, I encourage you to CHOOSE a series that is the best fit at this moment.